Chi Works:  Chi Balls

We have recently taken delivery of 4 Chi Balls and I can assure all that they really are amazing……!

I initially had a telephone introduction with Steve and even during that 20-minute chat I got a real understanding and experience of his remarkable skill, gnosis and empathy.
The concept and understanding of Chi is not new to me as I have been involved with Classical Feng Shui for almost thirty years, nevertheless the empathy and understanding of Steve enabled me to recognise whole new important landscapes to life. 

Our four Chi Balls made their protracted journey from New Zealand to Scotland some four weeks ago and now there are here their ongoing impact is omnipresent.
We commissioned a bespoke golden section proportioned timber box on which to locate two of the Chi Balls and the combination of proportion and energy create a vibrant spiritual energetic node.

The impact of the Chi Balls on my wife, myself and our home is evident and unfolding, instances of important information flowing to me have increased substantially and I am certain that in a couple of months time I shall be adding a codicil to this testimonial elaborating on and confirming many, many ongoing positive outcomes.

Brian Adams
Retired Architect and Academic 


Healing Stress Related Animals

Dr Nicole (Veterinarian) & Ayla (Horse)

At the height of our riding career I was devastated to retire my amazing Andalusian mare Ayla mid way through our "eventing" season. She was, "just not right." She was neither lame or obviously unwell but I had the feeling if we continued we would have had an severe accident.

With my medical background as a veterinary practitioner I performed the standard blood tests, chiropractic and massage and gastric ulcer treatments, saddle fitting even purchased a new jumping saddle. Ayla's work got reduced to light hacking and gymnastic work. She had good and bad days. It became more and more clear that her "grumpy attitude" may well be founded somewhere else as she was uptight, and disconnected from me.

Then I met Steve through one of my Vet practice client, who had recommended previously we both should meet. My journey in my training from University, orthopedic fracture repairs, large and small animals and final practice ownership has been science and facts based. Still over the last 2 years in my personal journey I acknowledged that there is more to healing and well being than conventional medicine.  

Having Steve work with Ayla, the results are amazing and the healing sessions, very quick. In total 3 hours. It is such a joy to have her greet me in the paddock on arrival again. Not being threatened to be bitten or kicked when putting her halter on or handling her covers is just lovely. 

I would not have dreamed of the same connection I felt 2 days ago. Ayla and me spent the weekend in Taupo, the National equestrian center was the perfect playground to excel and have fun as a team. The feeling of joy when she takes me towards any jump, the power of 600KG flying through the air and Ayla trusting me and me trusting her unconditional as a team together. 

Thanks to Steve.

Nicole and Ayla 


Richard Pykett. Emotional Stress

There’s ‘something about Mary’, as the movie title proclaims.

There is also something about Steve, quite apart from him not being Cameron Diaz.

I’ve known Steve as his insurance broker for over 20 years now and I’ve always felt there was ‘something’ about him. No matter what the circumstances, he always projects what I would call ‘good vibes’.

I think that the hippies used to call it an ‘Aura’.

I could never put a finger on it, but when we caught up a while back and he told me he had got into healing with Chi, whilst I didn’t understand it (and still don’t) I wasn’t in any way surprised. 

We are both ex-engineers, so by default we are a pair of sceptical bastards.

There is something about Steve…

So we have had a couple of sessions now. I’ve been blessed with good health over my current 64 years, but there has been a fair bit of stress along the way – eldest son with serious health issues and more recently my wife diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Losing the family home to a software venture after we had the files stolen and sent to our opposition in Australia, didn’t help the sleep patterns, the alcohol consumption or my love of Aussie Banks.

Certainly a few things going on and when we dug back into my childhood. There were a few shitty things there, which were never far away from conscious thought.

Whilst we haven’t yet worked on my addiction to Chardonnay, we have tackled some of the family health stress and the childhood stress events.

Certainly in terms of the childhood stress, those events seem to have been banished to the deeper recesses of my mind and are far less troubling now if I do chose to relive them.

Weird and unexplainable. Somewhat perplexing given my engineering training, but you can’t argue with the results. Whenever we have a session, Steve leaves me with an immense feeling of calm.

Bloody magic…!

What I would say is that if you have had some shitty things in your life, which you would like to be more in control of, or you have anxiety or stress and then some sessions with Steve could be just what you need.

Sharyn Gallishan. Daughter’s Pregnancy

At 23 weeks pregnant, my daughter went in for a routine check up at the King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth WA. It was discovered that her cervix was 1.3cm dilated. After having lost her first baby at 21 weeks 4 years earlier when her waters broke and infection set in we were all very distressed and the thoughts were “oh no, it’s all happening again”. After a failed attempt at stitching up her cervix as she was now, 4cm dilated. The hospital team informed her that she would likely deliver her baby that night. Upon delivery of her baby, the options given resuscitate, or not.  All the potential complications moving forward with a premature baby of this age were discussed. Her partner and she decided to resuscitate and the emergency team administered steroids to help the baby’s lungs develop (which needed 72 hours to be effective) prepared for a pending cesarean an incubator and resuscitation equipment. 

With a support team around her, medical, family and friends, the first goal was to reach those 72 hours. I immediately called Steve to ask for his assistance on a whole other level of healing. He began his work from New Zealand. Working on settling mum and baby. 

Much to the surprise of the hospital, we reached that goal. The doctors were still adamant that we would not make it to full term let alone 30 weeks. We asked whether cervixes could close again. The reply was no. I asked Steve if he also might spend time on closing the cervix. Further, down the track the leading professor told us this was unknown but potentially possible.

At 4 days and after a test of the amniotic fluid to determine there was no infection. The doctors decided to send her to the emergency birthing ward for bed rest and constant monitoring of all vitals etc. At this point, every extra hour and day we conquered was a miracle.

She remained in the ward for a further 3 weeks. Every day that passed was a blessing. The hospital staff were in awe that she had remained intact and they were the talk of the hospital with everyone rooting for them. 

It was hard initially to see the cervix in earlier scans as the head or feet were always in the way. At 26 weeks, the cervix had begun to close and at the last scan, the cervix was 1.6 cm. No further scans or internal examinations were organised due to the risk of infection and further distress.

Upon returning home she continued on bed rest and light duties until she was induced at 37.5 weeks, of which she was already 5cm dilated for who knows how long. Immediately going into labour lasting 4 hours and naturally delivering a perfectly healthy baby girl of 3.36 kgs.

Thank you Steve for all your diligent work and help through this time. You are a truly gifted healer. 

Feeling truly blessed to have you, your assistance, and this beautiful baby girl in our lives.

On behalf of my daughter and her fiancé, they would also like to thank you for the almost daily healing you were sending their way. We really do have ourselves a miracle.

Depression. (Name withheld, but can be contacted by request)

I’ve been working with Steve now for a number of months, on and off in contact with him working with a various range of issues. However one pressing and ultimately probably the largest problem I had in my life was a crushing and overwhelming depression.

For whatever reason, I never mentioned this to Steve while we were working on all the other problems I was having, but a couple of weeks ago I brought the issue up with him and we decided to have a go at clearing that depression out of my life.

For my whole life, at least as long as I can remember, there has been a weight with me. A great sense of darkness, a feeling that something just isn’t right, sat with me. Sometimes I could distract myself from it, and sometimes I even convinced myself I had overcome it, but inevitably it would always return, and often stronger than ever. For those of you reading this who have depression, I’m sure you can relate to this, the “black dog” some people call it.

When I began the healing with Steve for this, in all honesty I was extremely dubious, and very doubtful that it would work, but because of my history with Steve and how much he has changed my life and shown me a new side to the world, I trusted him enough to give it a go.

The first session we had left me stunned, for the first time in my adult life, I was sitting very simply in my living room, the world around me exactly the same as it always is, but somehow for the first time the depression was gone. I looked everywhere for it, I looked within myself for any scrap of that feeling I could scavenge and dwell on again, but as hard as I looked it just wasn’t there. After this I was absolutely shocked, I felt relaxed for the first time in as long as I could ever remember. The only mistake I made was thinking that that was that and it was all over, unfortunately that was not the case.

Over the next couple of weeks, time and time again, that feeling came back, the darkness welled up again and again, but now it was different, it was weaker. Every time I felt it coming back I would give Steve a call, let him know what was going on and we would work through it. It was hard, so hard in fact that I thought so many times it just wouldn’t work and I just wanted to give up. Childhood memories and emotions were flowing through, pains that I had long thought life had hidden away were being unlocked and ripped out of me, I felt my whole life’s pain coming out, like someone was opening doors in me and asking all of my demons to come on out. But man was it liberating, because not only were these pains coming out of me, they were being completely eliminated at the same time.

It was very similar to how a normal old flu plays out, it’s actually the healing that gives you all the symptoms, it’s the body fighting through it and cleansing itself that makes the experience so bloody hard, but I’m sure you all know how just how fresh you feel when that flu finally goes away. It was like this for me, in the midst of it, I was lost in the symptoms, lost in the pains and just downright exhausted, but now, even writing this, I feel like a whole new person.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders that I’ve been carrying since I was as young as five years old, like a purity is washing over me, so plain and simple, but compared to being depressed, it’s like the entire world is just lit up with beauty. I’d had glimpses of it through the healing process, but now that I’m through at the other end, it’s like someone switched on the Christmas lights and everything is just glowing. Like life has begun fresh.

So for anyone who is going through depression, or feel like life is just too much at the moment, I implore you to give this a go. From what I have experienced working with Steve, I would, without hesitation, recommend this to all and anyone who is going through that hard and hurtful path. Because for what it’s worth, Steve has changed my life completely, and maybe he can do the same for you?

Nick Barclay. Mentoring.

I met Steve at the beginning of 2016, at a time where I was lost in the midst of anxious episodes and swaying between depression and an unhinged mania. In two short half hour sessions, Steve sparked something in me that changed my life for good. He showed me, for the first time in over ten years, that life could be wonderful. He gave me a glimpse into a world which I finally could feel at home in.

I immediately felt drawn to what Steve had to share as soon as he started to tell me to what his work involved, I was captivated by a feeling that I had been looking for a long time, purpose! In three short months from when I was shown some very basic techniques, my life had taken an enormous turn for the better. Through Steve’s teaching I had developed the strength within myself to make the changes that I truly wanted to, the strength to life a good life. I went from being lost in all the wrong circles, avoiding any sense of responsibility, to finding my first job, filling my life with exercise, and finding friends who lived clean and wholesome lives.

It has been over a year since I met Steve and I am now employed full time as a chef, practising martial arts every day, and enjoying the brand new experience of real happiness! And the truly amazing thing is that it hasn’t only changed me, my whole family has begun making beautiful changes and is getting closer and closer together. Steve gave me a way to help myself, and in doing so help everyone around me too.

I have just now spent a week up in Auckland learning from Steve, and yet again he has changed my life… I went to see him for a one on one workshop in order to learn as much as I was ready for. It began with energetically preparing myself for what was to come, a technique I can now utilise to create instant well-being whenever I feel I am heading downhill. We then went on to learning about the spiritual side of Steve’s work, and finally onto healing. I was absolutely amazed at what I could accomplish with only three days of training, with the help of the Chi Long sphere I was able to successfully relieve the pain and stiffness from my friends back, as well do the same for my mother, who I should add was 800km away in Christchurch.

The last thing I would like to pay tribute to is Steve’s character, he’s the kind of guy that doesn’t mess around, he tells you everything how it is and doesn’t hesitate to get the job done. He is blunt and straightforward, yet amazingly caring approach to such a mysterious subject instils a confidence in you that he knows what he’s talking about. It’s like if a rock were to become the gentlest thing on the planet, it’ll still hit you bloody hard but instead of hurting it heals you! If you’re looking for help and you just can’t seem to find it, I’d bet anything that you’ll find it in Steve.


Leo Ramakers. Chi Long™ Sphere.

I am a partially crippled gentleman in my early 60s, carrying a traumatic brain injury sustained two decades ago in a collision with a drunk driver. I have struggled with very low energy ever since, particularly over the last year. This condition reflects in quick onset physical exhaustion but more tellingly it impairs my capacity to think. I have struggled with problem solving and decision making.

I have just acquired a chi energy ball made out of clear quartz crystal programmed by Steve Lee. I carried the crystal on my person each day, and slept with it nearby during the nights. On receiving the device I was briefly coached for connection to it by Steve. After that I received no further instruction.

First Day
I woke with unusually high energy and was on the go for most of the day. I managed to get more done today than any day over the previous year. One significant change was my restored ability to think through problems. Earlier when confronted with a choice or problem I would completely stall, unable to process the alternatives, where now I successfully pick a solution efficiently. Another change was the usual 1pm fatigue episode was weaker, and I quickly discharged it completely with the meditation technique initially taught.

Second day
Again notice my performance remained at it's increased level. I find I need to sit down to rest less frequently and these rest periods are shorter. I also notice that emotionally challenging interactions with people have less impact. One case last night involved my receiving a significant disappointment by email, which would earlier have completely withered me but now is met only with philosophical reflection.

Third Day
I am still experiencing a degree of fatigue but it does not have the familiar bite, in fact it is as though I am more aware of my degraded performance. I certainly am maintaining the initial vitality. I spent the whole day outdoors in the sun at my daughter's horse event and handled it well. 

Fourth Day
Another day of high vitality. I notice also that I dont seem to experience the profound short term memory loss of the past. While I still drop access to memory details during conversation the dropout has less impact on my train of thought.

Fifth day
In looking back over my experience with this device I can attest to a general lift in my state of energy. I arise earlier, retire later and spend the day more animated. But underneath this I feel somehow more grounded. I have come to sense the crystal as something of an ally, and carry it on my person or sleep near it at all times.

From this experience I can highly recommend the product.

Leo Ramakers
Wellington NZ

Dr Paul Robinson. Cancer Patient.

I first meet Steve at a social function and we happened to be sitting across from each other. We talked about many different topics including my health and wellbeing. I am currently battling advanced bowel cancer and have already had multiple operations, chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions. 

Steve enlightened me on some of the principles of Chinese medicine and Chi. I am a specialist doctor myself and had very little experience with these concepts, apart from previous acupuncture. I found Steve’s discussion fascinating. Especially about the body’s ability to aid in self healing and relaxation

Steve offered to show me some practical examples of these principles. I took him up on this and was impressed. After the introduction session, I already felt empowered to aid in my own health and wellbeing. Steve told me what areas of my body we should focus on and set up a customised plan.

With a combination of Steve’s one on one sessions in person and remotely plus my own efforts in meditation and energy top up and treatment, I felt energised. We also successfully worked on treating areas of discomfort.

I was about to restart chemotherapy, so Steve helped me with management of the side effects including: “Hiccups” which had often plagued me with previous cycles.

Steve’s communication style was relaxed and extremely informative. I felt privileged to be exposed to such concepts and methods of healing that are usually only reserved to long term students of ancient Chinese medicine.

I am happy to recommend Steve to everybody. From those like myself, who are fighting cancer, to others who would benefit from meditation or management of musculoskeletal pain. Steve will always be a part of my therapeutic armoury, and I recommend him to you too.

All the best, Paul.



Karyn Jones. Multiple Sclerosis.

I have been living with MS for some years now. The last 6 years have been increasingly challenging due to spasms and severe lower back pain causing problems with my ability to walk without my walking stick.

I was introduced to Steve recently and made arrangements to have a healing session with him. I was very open to his approach and certainly felt the benefits of his treatment. Before I left, Steve asked me to walk up and down the corridor to see how I felt. As I was pacing backwards and forwards he asked me if I normally walked that fast. I replied "oh my goodness, I haven't walked without my stick for 6 months". I was very happy with my results and look forward to short sessions to maintain my progress. 

Karyn Jones.


Toni Pulu. (Super 15 Rugby Waikato Chiefs 2016). Pain Therapy.

Steve is a family friend with my mother. One day mum got talking to Steve about my knee injury. I was skeptical at first but decided to take up Steve's offer of assistance. I wasn’t doing anything because I was recovering from a knee injury that saw me sideline for 3 weeks. 

I saw Steve in my first week of recovery. Within 20 minutes, Steve had removed the pain from my knee I wasn’t hobbling and I was walking freely. A few more tweaks and I was squatting and running. 

Impressive that this was, what was more impressing, Steve did not touch me, he sat and looked at my knee, I felt a sensation of energy like electricity move in that area of my knee and stay there until the energy subsided away. 

Steve said I would need to take care as the healing needed to fuse and the knee was still raw. He said we might have to do this again until it comes right but you don’t have to be physically here. He called this remote healing (the healing is also dependent on the health of the patient). 

Steve freed up the movement on my ankle that had been operated on, again Steve did not touch me, but I could feel the same sensation of electricity being passed into my ankle. He said some people who are sensitive can feel this while others who are less sensitive will not. 

Steve asked if I wanted to be "charged" up, I said what do you mean? He said get your entire body "amped" up, revitalised.
He showed me something else that blew me away, after 30-40 minutes of him remotely sending energy through parts of
my body, I was alert, energised and ready to play. Steve explained to me what he was doing and I felt completely safe and comfortable.


Yue Ming. Cancer Patient.

Steven Lee, Chi Master of Auckland. 

For years Steven has been studying and practicing the Ancient Art of Chinese Healing methods.
He is a very humble and friendly person with a big heart to help his fellow man. 

For example, recently I had a bad experience of 3 days of constipation.
Being a Cancer patient and on Chemotherapy, I had been taking the prescribed medication. Started on this program on the third day of being constipated, kiwi fruit juice, banana, senna tea, Vit C etc and was having pure agony. A telephone call to Steven at 7 pm and by 3 am the next morning I had a bowel motion, follow by another at 4 am and another at 7 am. Something moved for me with great relief. 

Thank you Steven,
Yue Ming.


Veronica Datson. Body Balance.

I went to visit Steve feeling quite broken. My daughter had been ill and I had no energy. 

During my first session with Steve he made me feel very relaxed, I could see that he was slightly overwhelmed by the "project" standing in front of him. It's very hard to explain what he does, but for me there were 2 parts to that first session. Part 1: clearing the energy pathway -
I physically felt him clearing the energy points even though there was no contact. Part 2 for me was like being plugged into a power socket. But again with no contact. 

I walked away feeling positive and refreshed for the first time in a long time. But I think the most rewarding part was the follow up and continued, remote checking in with Steve. 

He's a magician for the soul!


Michelle Ho. (Lawyer. London U.K.) Spiritual Cleansing.

Steve has been amazing.  I first met him in London where he charged my pink rose quartz crystal bracelet and taught me how to meditate simply.  I have always found meditation difficult but his method is so easy yet so effective.  Also, he helped clear some spirit attachments that my flatmate had which were causing him trouble.  I highly recommend Steve as both a spiritual teacher and a healer.  Further work he did for me was done remotely from New Zealand to London which is testament indeed on his power and the power of the spirit.

Shaun Cullen. Energy Therapy.

I have type 1 diabetes and I went to see Steve as I was curious to see if he could help with his "healing ways". 

I was never much of a believer in energy healing but after a single visit with Steve I noticed my blood sugars level started to level out and
I needed less insulin when injecting. I then had some pains and dizziness that doctors could not figure out. After a couple of distance sessions with Steve it all cleared up. 

Take it from me it's worth a shot no matter what your reasons for trying it.


Doris King. (Aged 79.) Energy Therapy.

Steve is marvellous, he has helped me in many ways. 

I had a sore foot and it kept me up at night, my foot does not hurt or keep me up anymore. My nightmares are completely gone. I had a cough from last Christmas, this too has improved immensely, I only get the occasional cough now. My sleeping is better and I am less dizzy. All this healing has given me the ability to continue doing the things in life that are important to me, like line dancing, being more involved with the family and one day I hope to have the confidence to do more things on my own. 

God Bless Steve.


Emma King. (Aged 14.) Pain Therapy.

OMG, my leg was so sore I could not walk, my friends had to carry me to the car and mum carried me into the house. We rung Steve and within 10 mins the pain was gone and I could stand and walk. Steve told me to rest it for a couple of days before doing any more sport.
My knees had been hurting a couple of days and mum made me wait a few days to see if it would go away. It didn't, so we rung Steve and
by the next morning the pain in my knees was gone and I was able to attend training. Yay!! 

Steve is so amazing


Blair Pierson. Body Balance.

When I first met with Steve I initially had trepidation that his style of healing would not work for me. I was expecting some kind of catch.
I needn't have worried. Steve's the sort of person you'll feel compelled to tell others about. After my session I was amazed how much
more energy I had, I was buzzing! 



Mel Hewett. Pain Therapy.

I am pleased to write about my wonderful healing experience with Steve a couple of weeks ago.
I was in a really bad way after falling down some stairs where I landed on my tailbone and lower back. I was in excruciating pain and I could not move for a good 6 days. I have had a couple of visits to the osteopath and physiotherapist, but with no relief of any pain. Not even the strongest inflammatory pain killers was making any difference. 

I received a call from my boss and he asked me if I would be interested in giving Steve a go. When he told me that Steve was in the Auckland, I thought by myself; ‘I really don’t think I can drive all the way into Auckland from Pukekohe in one sitting’, but to my surprise, he told me I do not have to go anywhere and that Steve could heal me over the phone! I was all for that. 

I received a call from Steve later that morning and as we started to talk, he had already ‘channelled into my pain’. 40 to 45 minutes later, I could stand up and walk around without bending over and the pain was gone! I felt so energetic after the treatment but I knew I had to brace myself. Steve told me he would call me back that night to do some more healing. I felt great all day and I even attended my daughter’s netball game that night, walking perfectly fine. I kept on thinking by myself, surely the pain will come back, but I had no pain for the rest of the day. 
Steve called me back later that night around 8pm. He worked on me for another 30 minutes and that night was the first time I had an unbroken sleep, since my fall. 

I feel so blessed that I had the opportunity to learn about this wonderful treatment. I have not stopped talking about him! 

I have not had anymore problems with my back since the treatment, and I am back in the pool and gym.