You might say my ‘moment of truth’ came to me by being indirectly involved with a heart transplant patient where I am deeply grateful to have this experience.

Background Information.

Immuno-suppressants are drugs or medicines that lower the body's ability to reject a transplanted organ. Another term for these drugs is anti-rejection drugs. 

Stress hormones will affect your immune system, namely cortisol. Scientists have known for years that elevated cortisol levels interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease etc.

Chronic stress elevates cortisol levels and increases the risk for depression, mental illness, and lower life expectancy. 

Cortisol, made by the adrenal glands in response to fear or stress as part of the body’s fight-or-flight mechanism. 


I am not a medical doctor but if doctors use stress hormones to stop the immune system, then emotional stress is the pre-cursor to chronic illness.

Having stressful feelings of ‘fight or flight’ is what will trigger your bodies stress hormones.

My East Asian training specialises in removing anxiety from horrid events and situations. 

My emotional stress purging session will also include healing the parts of the body that stress energy has affected. The stress energy will travel through the body. It follows the path of less resistance and it will nest there and create illness over time.

My method of Chi healing finds the cause of the chronic illness and treatment can start here, where we treat the cause rather than the symptom.

The purging of emotional stress is mind related and will not remove the emotional stress held within the body. Both the stress in the mind and the body need to be removed for total healing, after all we don’t want time bombs in our bodies.

These session will take approx. 30 minutes and can done remotely over the phone.  

Keep well.

Steve Lee





Richard Pykett. Emotional Stress

There’s ‘something about Mary’, as the movie title proclaims.

There is also something about Steve, quite apart from him not being Cameron Diaz.

I’ve known Steve as his insurance broker for over 20 years now and I’ve always felt there was ‘something’ about him. No matter what the circumstances, he always projects what I would call ‘good vibes’.

I think that the hippies used to call it an ‘Aura’.

I could never put a finger on it, but when we caught up a while back and he told me he had got into healing with Chi, whilst I didn’t understand it (and still don’t) I wasn’t in any way surprised. 

We are both ex-engineers, so by default we are a pair of sceptical bastards.

There is something about Steve…

So we have had a couple of sessions now. I’ve been blessed with good health over my current 64 years, but there has been a fair bit of stress along the way – eldest son with serious health issues and more recently my wife diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Losing the family home to a software venture after we had the files stolen and sent to our opposition in Australia, didn’t help the sleep patterns, the alcohol consumption or my love of Aussie Banks.

Certainly a few things going on and when we dug back into my childhood. There were a few shitty things there, which were never far away from conscious thought.

Whilst we haven’t yet worked on my addiction to Chardonnay, we have tackled some of the family health stress and the childhood stress events.

Certainly in terms of the childhood stress, those events seem to have been banished to the deeper recesses of my mind and are far less troubling now if I do chose to relive them.

Weird and unexplainable. Somewhat perplexing given my engineering training, but you can’t argue with the results. Whenever we have a session, Steve leaves me with an immense feeling of calm.

Bloody magic…!

What I would say is that if you have had some shitty things in your life, which you would like to be more in control of, or you have anxiety or stress and then some sessions with Steve could be just what you need.

Depression. (Name withheld, but can be contacted by request)

I’ve been working with Steve now for a number of months, on and off in contact with him working with a various range of issues. However one pressing and ultimately probably the largest problem I had in my life was a crushing and overwhelming depression.

For whatever reason, I never mentioned this to Steve while we were working on all the other problems I was having, but a couple of weeks ago I brought the issue up with him and we decided to have a go at clearing that depression out of my life.

For my whole life, at least as long as I can remember, there has been a weight with me. A great sense of darkness, a feeling that something just isn’t right, sat with me. Sometimes I could distract myself from it, and sometimes I even convinced myself I had overcome it, but inevitably it would always return, and often stronger than ever. For those of you reading this who have depression, I’m sure you can relate to this, the “black dog” some people call it.

When I began the healing with Steve for this, in all honesty I was extremely dubious, and very doubtful that it would work, but because of my history with Steve and how much he has changed my life and shown me a new side to the world, I trusted him enough to give it a go.

The first session we had left me stunned, for the first time in my adult life, I was sitting very simply in my living room, the world around me exactly the same as it always is, but somehow for the first time the depression was gone. I looked everywhere for it, I looked within myself for any scrap of that feeling I could scavenge and dwell on again, but as hard as I looked it just wasn’t there. After this I was absolutely shocked, I felt relaxed for the first time in as long as I could ever remember. The only mistake I made was thinking that that was that and it was all over, unfortunately that was not the case.

Over the next couple of weeks, time and time again, that feeling came back, the darkness welled up again and again, but now it was different, it was weaker. Every time I felt it coming back I would give Steve a call, let him know what was going on and we would work through it. It was hard, so hard in fact that I thought so many times it just wouldn’t work and I just wanted to give up. Childhood memories and emotions were flowing through, pains that I had long thought life had hidden away were being unlocked and ripped out of me, I felt my whole life’s pain coming out, like someone was opening doors in me and asking all of my demons to come on out. But man was it liberating, because not only were these pains coming out of me, they were being completely eliminated at the same time.

It was very similar to how a normal old flu plays out, it’s actually the healing that gives you all the symptoms, it’s the body fighting through it and cleansing itself that makes the experience so bloody hard, but I’m sure you all know how just how fresh you feel when that flu finally goes away. It was like this for me, in the midst of it, I was lost in the symptoms, lost in the pains and just downright exhausted, but now, even writing this, I feel like a whole new person.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders that I’ve been carrying since I was as young as five years old, like a purity is washing over me, so plain and simple, but compared to being depressed, it’s like the entire world is just lit up with beauty. I’d had glimpses of it through the healing process, but now that I’m through at the other end, it’s like someone switched on the Christmas lights and everything is just glowing. Like life has begun fresh.

So for anyone who is going through depression, or feel like life is just too much at the moment, I implore you to give this a go. From what I have experienced working with Steve, I would, without hesitation, recommend this to all and anyone who is going through that hard and hurtful path. Because for what it’s worth, Steve has changed my life completely, and maybe he can do the same for you?