• Remove all energy blockages.

  • Remove emotional stress, anxiety and phobia's from
    cell memory.

  • Revitalise the major meridian points, Chakras and Auras.

  • Revitalise all Dantien energy reserviors.

This can take up to two hours, after this session you feel alert energised and refreshed.


  • Pain relief in all joints and limbs.

  • Pain relief in all muscles and tendons.

  • Revitalise energy to Organs that need it.

    Session protocols and interval depend on the conditions being healed.


Chi Works works with Chi to eliminate negative energy, resulting in a harmonious environment around your business, home
and land. 

Lingering energy resulting from unfortunate circumstances
at any location can be identified and cleansed, often resulting
in a palpable improvement in people’s experience of that area.


 If you are ready to move on from deep seated emotional issues and phobias then these issues can be removed. 

This is done at a soul level (cell memory). 
This is not NLP. (Neuro-linguistic programming) 


Spiritual Chi development.

Chi Works works with individuals who are interested in developing their own Chi skills.

If you consider yourself a sensitive person and are open to new holistic philosophies then you should consider coming to one of 

Chi Works workshops. These tuition's are focused on
the practical.


Animals can't talk human but if they could, what a difference it would make. Like humans, animals do have Chakras, Dantiens, pressure and acupressure points. They are just located in different areas.

Any discomfort can be detected and relived. Healing can be directly sent to that area for a speedy recovery.

A thorough body balance for animals will enhance their performance too.


  • Chronic Fatigue

Chi Works is currently working on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 

If you consider yourself sensitive and suffer from Chronic Fatigue then Steve might have a solution for you. 


  • Cancer

Chi Works can assist patients with cancer. 

Pain therapy for the discomfort resulting from the cancer or chemotherapy.


Disclaimer: Chi Works provides care using techniques beyond those employed by the mainstream healthcare system. Chi Works methods are Chi based involving neither personal contact nor medication.