
Unconventional beliefs regarded as having little or no scientific basis, especially those relating to spirituality, mysticism, or alternative medicine.

‘some kind of metaphysical woo-woo’

Acupuncture and meridian points.

Qi (Chi) is a key concept of oriental culture, which identifies a fundamental principle forming and animating the universe and life.

Chinese texts describe the Qi as a vital breath with alternating traffic Yin & Yang.

In this spiritual approach, Qi encompasses the whole universe and connects people and things together.

In a living organism, it circulates within the body through meridians that intersect all in centres of energy (Chakras). Qi is present in all manifestations of nature.

Qi causes different sensations when circulating in the body, in the form of heat or tingling. It is focusing attention on these sensations, by empiricism; traditional Chinese doctors have been able to establish over the centuries a network traffic traversing the body.

The Governing Vessel, located in the spine, corresponds to Sushumna the main channel through which flows Kundalini, a primary energy which evolves in the centre of the spinal cord from the sacrum to the top of the head, and which passes through the centres of energy (Chakras). Hatha Yoga aims at the awakening of self-awareness by controlling the energy.

Trigger Points.

Myofascial trigger points, also known as trigger points, are described as hyperirritable spots in the skeletal muscle. They are associated with palpable nodules in taut bands of muscle fibres. They are a topic of ongoing controversy, as there is limited data to inform a scientific understanding of the phenomenon. Accordingly, a formal acceptance of myofascial "knots" as an identifiable source of pain is more common among bodyworkers, physical therapists, chiropractors, and osteopathic practitioners. Nonetheless, the concept of trigger points provides a framework which may be used to help address certain musculoskeletal pain.


An atom is the smallest constituent unit of ordinary matter that has the properties of a chemical element. Every solid, liquid, gas, and plasma is composed of neutral or ionized atoms. Atoms are extremely small; typical sizes are around 100 pico meters (a ten-billionth of a meter, in the short scale).

Magnetic field.

The magnetic field is the area around a magnet in which there is magnetic force. Moving electric charges can make magnetic fields. Magnetic fields can usually be seen by magnetic flux lines. At all times the direction of the magnetic field is shown by the direction of the magnetic flux lines. The strength of a magnet has to do with the spaces between the magnetic flux lines. The closer the flux lines are to each other, the stronger the magnet is. The farther away they are, the weaker. The flux lines can be seen by placing iron filings over a magnet. The iron filings move and arrange into the lines. Magnetic fields give power to other particles that are touching the magnetic field.

Quantum Physics.

Quantum mechanics (QM; also known as quantum physics, quantum theory, the wave mechanical model, or matrix mechanics), including quantum field theory, is a fundamental theory in physics which describes nature at the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles.

 Important applications of quantum theory include quantum chemistry, quantum optics, quantum computing, superconducting magnets, light-emitting diodes, and the laser, the transistor and semiconductors such as the microprocessor, medical and research imaging such as magnetic resonance imaging and electron microscopy. Explanations for many biological and physical phenomena are rooted in the nature of the chemical bond, most notably the macro-molecule DNA.


They are embedded within the actual physical body, whilst originating within the context of mental and spiritual fields. Or, in modern interpretations, complexes of electromagnetic variety, the precise degree and variety of which directly arise from a synthetic average of all positive and negative so-called fields. What a lot people don’t see, Chakras have rings inside them, liken to tree growth rings. These rings obtain important information about the body. Don’t open Chakras unless you repair your Auric fields and also know how to repair your Chakras.

Auric fields.

The aura is an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds people—like an egg-shaped ball of energy, that encompasses the body. The aura consists of seven levels/layers/auric bodies, also known as the physical, astral, lower, higher, spiritual, intuitional, and absolute planes.