Ancient Support For The Modern Lifestyle. 

The physiology we all share evolved over countless generations in response to nature’s rhythms and to our survival imperatives. During this rich past the Chinese distilled an understanding of the energy flowing through the body. They named this force Chi and trained in its use through martial arts disciplines such as Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

In response to our dramatically confronting modern lifestyle Chi Works has developed a new
way of employing this Chi force. We have researched for over a decade to develop and create
the Chi Long™ / Energy of the Dragon™ a quartz crystal sphere that harnesses Chi energy for
the purpose healing and spiritual growth.

The Chi life force energy flows in all living things. However when this flow is blocked or disrupted, negative effects manifest ranging from simple disorders through to all types of life threatening conditions.

Using this Chi Long™ sphere will support your recuperation, longevity and spiritual wellbeing.

Quartz Crystal Sphere. 

This sphere has been individually selected for its Chi retention characteristics, Chi Works finds that only small percent of all such crystals are pure enough to respond to the Chi programming, which is currently performed by our Chi Specialist Steve Lee from New Zealand.

The meaning of programmed Chi Balls.

There are gifted people that can alter the state of the crystals.

Like computer programmes, the crystals are used to store certain spiritual programmes and when used the crystals will send healing energy to your soul, healing the body. (You heal the soul you will heal the body.)

These Chi spiritual programmes are 1000’s of years old and are very safe. They are unique and are created to the highest spiritual level possible to man.

Only some Chi specialists are shown how to create these products. It is a very difficult skill to acquire, that is why they not common and less talked about.

The type of crystals used will help deliver the energy required at the desired frequency.

Chi works has programmed different types, Chi Long™ Protect, Chi Long™ Heal, Chi Long™ Ying & Yang, Chi Long™ Phoenix Collection, Chi Long™ Feng Shui, Chi Long™ Bespoke, Chi Long™ Anxiety, Chi Long™ Addiction, Chi Long™ Depression, Chi Long™ Cancer Care and Chi Long™ Geneo.

 Chi Long™ Heal features Chi rejuvenating, repair and reviving abilities.
(It is also upgradable to include all the Chi features of the Chi Long™ Protect.)

Chi Long™ Protect features the ability to channel Chi on a spiritual level. Cleansing,
energising and guiding spiritual awareness. It also includes all the Chi healing abilities of the
Chi Long™ Heal.
There are four sizes of the Chi Long™  The greater the physical size of the sphere the greater energy is produced.

Chi Long™ Ying & Yang collection (minimum ball size 3cm)
Each Chi ball comprising of clear quartz and black tourmaline has a unique programmes.
There are three main programmes installed into each crystal.
Healing humans and animals, Spiritual Protection and Spiritual Guidance.

Chi Long™ Phoenix collection (minimum ball size 3cm)
Each Chi ball has a unique programme installed.

Citrine Quartz; Prosperity
Rose Quartz; Love and harmony
Amethyst Quartz; Spiritual protection and removal of spiritual entities

Chi Long™ Feng Shui (Physical size 8-9cm)
This sphere will emit the following energies, Prosperity, Harmony and Love, Removal of entities and filter some Electromagnetic Fields. Animals will love this energy to.
This size is ideally suited for the home or small businesses. Because the energy has no boundaries, it will and might help the neighbours too!

Chi Long™ Bespoke (minimum ball size 3cm)
Optional programmes can be install on existing and new Chi Long Balls.
Individual programmes like business, personal relationships, and multiple healing techniques etc can be installed.
"what mankind strives for, we might have an Chi programme that may help"

Simple To Use.

By holding the Chi Long™ sphere in the palms of your hands the natural Chi energy flow of your body is boosted, recharging your Chi energy field will promote natural healing and vitality. From this stems a boost in your powers of thinking and manifestation, resulting in raised awareness and inner peace.

Develop Your Expertise. 

The proficient Chi Long™ user may use it to train Chi on;

  • Focused healing

  • Acute or chronic pain relief

  • Opening and balancing Chakra points.

  • Energising Dantians

  • Feng Shui – Cleansing unwelcome energy from locations or environments.

  • Personal spiritual protection from unwelcome energies.

  • Focusing spiritual awareness

  • Refining meditative practice

A Lifelong Investment. 

Provided it remains physically undamaged the Chi Long sphere will deliver these benefits for a lifetime. The adept user can choose to gain expertise through our Chi Works Meditation workshops, or through customised personal sessions focused on your specific healing or spirituality needs.

See Workshops for information on Meditation and Chi Long™ training or click on Shop to purchase a Chi Long™ sphere.